• Introduction 

      The Green for Tourism (G4T) Curriculum is a 200-hour, flexible and modular program designed for the unemployed and those without a high school diploma who have a background in the tourism industry. Each (micro)-module in the G4T curriculum can be delivered as a stand-alone mini-course, or it can be included into an existing program of study or set of credentials. Following the advice of the EU Skills Agenda, the collaboration will create a unique micro-credential for each program to increase this fluidity. 

      The course will be broken up into sections:

      - Design techniques for sustainable itineraries

      - Design of experiential tourism packages

      - Design of ecotourism packages

      - Sustainable mobility

      - Cycling tourism

      - Sustainable hospitality

      - Sustainability certifications

      - Circular economy and application to tourism

      - Enogastronomy and sustainable tourism

      - Organisation of sustainable events (choosing a suitable location, waste management and recycling,.)

      - How to look and find a job in sustainable tourism

      - Self employment and (social) entrepreneurship

      - Project work/simulation (design an ecotourism itinerary)


      Target group

      The needs of the project's target groups must be met in order to achieve the desired scenario. The following target groups have been identified:

              People who have recently graduated, have a tourist qualification, and have never worked.

              NEET with a tourism qualification

              Individuals with a tourism qualification who have lost their job

             This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the view’s only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Course categories